St. John's Evangelical Luthera |
7th Street
Honesdale, PA 18431
Phone: (570) 253-1444
Web address: www.honesdalelutherans.org email address: lutheransinhonesdale@gmail.com Mailing address: 107 Seventh Street, Honesdale, PA 18431
St. John's Ev. Lutheran Church offers Sunday morning worship at 9:30am, September through May. Worship is at 9:00am June through August. Sunday School for children of all ages is held concurrent with the worship service time.
St. John's boasts a senior choir and bell choir, which meets Thursday evenings, a weekly sewing (quilting) and knitting group on Tuesday mornings, and a variety of regular social events and public service ministries. In addition, the church hosts Alcoholics Anonymous recovery groups on several evenings during the week. The church is a provider for a free food pantry open to the public on the second Saturday of every month.
You can find us at the corner of Church and 7th Street in Honesdale. Our office hours are Tuesday through Thursday, 9:00am to 2:00pm. As an open and affirming congregation, all are welcome.